About Us

We are a group of emerging artists, creating beautiful and original artworks. Each of the artists featured on GIRLS FOR ART brings their own personalities, styles, subjects and passion to every work – these pieces SING! Look out for watercolours, acrylics, oils, charcoals, mixed media – variety is our spice!

We are from all walks of life, aspire to excellence and growing and developing as artists. Nothing matches the buzz of watching paint leak off a paintbrush onto a canvas and creating something extraordinary!

Our future plans are to make our circle bigger with exciting new artists you will have access to through our website. We’d love feedback from you – maybe there’s something specialised you are looking for, such as commissions, portraits of a loved one or pet – chat to us, we’d love to help. You are sure to find something fabulous here that speaks to you.

When you find the perfect fit in our shop you will be investing in an early Original art piece from a new artist to beautify your home, which we regard as a great honour. Be sure to browse our shop and see. Art will be added as it dries…

Esti Naudé

Ek het op skool altyd gewens ek kon skilder. Later het ek gedink dat indien iemand my net kon wys hoe, ek dit dalk sou kon doen. In 2006 het iemand my wel ‘n paar waterverf-tegnieke gewys & die gogga het my behoorlik gebyt. Met klasse in waterverf & olieverf het ek stadig maar seker gevorder.

Ek is vandag afgetree & ek verf omdat ek dit geniet; nie noodwendig om iets te verkoop nie. Indien iemand wel van my pogings hou, is ek bly & sal dit graag verkoop. Vir my bly die belangrikste egter steeds die genot wat ek daaruit put!

I always longed to be able to paint from my schooldays. As I matured, I reasoned that if someone showed me how, it might be possible. In 2006, someone demonstrated some watercolour techniques, and the bug bit. I started taking classes in both watercolour and Oils and have slowly but surely made progress.

Today I am retired and paint for sheer enjoyment, not necessarily to sell, although I would be delighted if anyone appreciates my efforts and would like to own something I have painted!

Heleen Wright

I’m an accountant, a single mom with two sons at university. After completing my degrees, I studied fashion designing and interior decorating courses. These generated excitement and an extra dimension of reality in life for me. However raising two children alone meant I had to opt for a steady income from an accounting career, but my heart always longed to go back to design and decorating. So in my career I ended up with all the innovative types of projects, coming up with brilliant business solutions for them.

I was driving past an art school almost every day on my way to and from home, always hoping that one day I would be able to drive in and participate. One day when my sons were more independent, I picked up the phone and enquired about the right brain development offered at the art school.

After years in accounting and working only with the left brain, I wasn’t sure what I was still capable of. Since that day I have enjoyed every bit of learning, drawing, charcoal, colours, design, meeting artists, painting and new friends the art has offered.

My favourite colour is blue and I love painting water, boats, moonlight and sunset, sometimes with people. I paint to create atmosphere and emotion – feel the cold, feel the rain, or feel happy! Experience life!

Trish Lawrence

I was born in Durban and am now living in Centurion. My family travelled throughout South Africa during the course of my father’s work – I clocked up 13 schools in total, a few of which were attended more than once as the family moved around. I married at 21, divorced at 43 and am happily single.

I worked as an architectural technician for many years and then more recently as a project manager in retail construction. I am currently moving into property investment – I love building renovations – the challenge of changing the broken down into a wow at a reasonable price remains a source of great pleasure to me – not to mention the fun I have working with the various teams involved in projects.

I treated myself to art lessons on a ‘big’ birthday as a bucket list item and have been delighted with the buzz art provides, the friendships developed with fellow artists on the same path, and the guidance of an awesome professional artist and art teacher so that I continue to expand my knowledge and experience in this area.

I have learnt to use charcoal effectively as well as watercolour paints. I’m expecting to improve over the rest of my life, but love the results to date. My favourite subjects are birds and animals.

I plan to work towards children’s book illustrations and cartoons in the future. Asterix and Footrot Flats are my favourite cartoons and, for me, are superb art!

I firmly believe that using and enjoying the gifts God created within us both give Him the highest praise and fulfil some of His purposes for our lives.

Art is a journey, my fingers are full of paint (not to mention my hair and clothing) – I’m looking forward to future works and invite you to join me and enjoy the results.

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